Donald Joseph Qualls also known as DJ Qualls in America is an American actor and producer. In the years since he gained fame for his character as a character in Road Trip, he's appeared in more than 20 films. They include The New Guy Hustle & Flow, The Core and The New Guy Hustle & Flow. Also, he has been on over 22 shows, like Breaking Bad Supernatural and Scrubs. The Hodgkin's lymphoma patient who survived that he was diagnosed with when he was 14 years old. Qualls is a fighter. After two years of treatment the cancer was cured. Treatment at a young age had an adverse effect on the body. This impeded his growth. When he first started to act, financial stability was the ultimate goal. The man had experienced hardship in his youth. I've been living so cheaply over the years that I need the financial stability or the world feels uncontrollable for me when he spoke to an interviewer. In addition, when he thinks back to his youth, he wants to change the course of the bullying issue. Cruelty breaks my heart DJ claims. DJ's ideal role is to play a father figure in reel, as well as in reality. He admits that Directors aren't able to put him in these roles. He would like to have a child of his own when he would be able to devote less time to his career and more time to his son.
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